Saturday, November 14, 2009
Fit: Sharing is Caring
So, I love to cook and bake (check out my work and that of my friends at My love of baking was spawned (I think that's the first time I've even written that word) from my love of cooking.
Mmmm breads, cookies, cakes (never pies) I started baking in about the 7th grade. I was famous at my school for my iced chocolate-chip-less cookies and banana breads. When I found myself heavier than I wanted to be in high school I stopped baking. I mean really, baking and weight management don't go hand in hand... or so I thought.
Really what it is, is that, weight loss/management and, raw batter, powdered sugar mixed with butter and cookies by the half dozen don't go with weight loss.
So, as my stress level have increased with this year of grad school so has my desire to bake. Rather than fight that desire (and thus create more stress) I choose to bake. Cookies, banana breads, brownies and cakes. How do I manage to do that and still keep my slim figure? 2 ways
1) NO TASTING THE BATTER (cuz once I start I just can't stop, seriously if the recipe should yield say 24 cookies, by the time I was done it only produces 10, maybe 12, YIPES)
2) SHARE (take the cookies to school, drop some off with the neighbors, send them with DBF to work, that will help will help him with the promotion).
So, I don't eat the batter, decide how many cookies I want to eat (that day and the next) and ship the rest out.
BELIEVE IT OR NOT, sometimes I don't even eat any... the baking is therapy enough :)
What do you do when your stressed?
Any food tips for me on how you stay fit?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Broke to Ballin'
Seriously though, I think there is some merit to it now matter how cheesy the video, the book is motivational. The main take-away for me was to think positive and visualize what you want. The title and focus on Broke doesn't really do that now does it? NO. So moving forward we will refer to this section of the blog as BALLIN' aka, where I'm gonna be.
And now, BALLIN'
Winter is fast approaching or should I say, is here (in Boston we've had snow 2xs already this season, YIPES)
So, if you're like me and have been putting it off it's finally time to pack all those gorgeous spring dresses and break out the cashmere.
WHAT cashmere on a budget, hell yeah, there'll be no plain wool upon my delicate skin.
But how can I afford it...
Here's how
1) discount shopping
2) consignment shops
1) Look for the sales!!! Now is a great time to find'em. BUT before you go, make a list of what you want. Don't just show up and go crazy. AFTER you've pulled out last year's winter wardrobe decide what's missing or needs updating say, red cardigan, black blazer and wool skirt. Good you got your list, shop with it and stick to it. NEXT, ask for an extra 20% off, you can make up the reason why you deserve it, chances are you won't get the 20% but you may get at least 10%, so that an extra $10 in your pocket for every $100 spent. You can put it away for a rainy day or a new pair of shoes.
2) Somethings in your closet may just seem boring to you. That's fine, out with the old... But before you go donating to goodwill, see if you can make a buck. Take those clothes (and bags and shoes) to your local consignment shop to find out what they are worth. What's old and boring to you can be fun and exciting to someone else. Use those bucks to update your wardrobe. And don't forget to checkout what the shop is offering in your size.
I hope it's clear that these principals don't just apply to your cashmere acquisitions, they apply to ALL your clothing purchases.
One last thought, BUY for QUALITY not QUANTITY ( on most things, everyone needs a few throw-away walk o' shame shirts) .
Why Quality?
1, it feels nice
2, it last longer
3, your trade in value (consignment shop) will be higher
What's the best clothing deal you've scored?
What: Bulgari hand bag $50, previously $850
Where: the original Filene's Basement (RIP).
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Fit and Happy: Sexy Foods
Fit and Happy:
It feels good to feel good about yourself.... and somehow some foods make me feel sexy. Which is a WHOLE lot better than feeling fat or guilty. So I've decided to indulge more in the sexier foods in life. Maybe they're aphrodisiacs maybe not, but what I do know is I enjoy them down to the last bite (or slurp).
My List of Sexy but Good For You Foods.
yeah baby... need I say more?
it reminds me of being a teenager on the beaches of Venezuela
Sipped slowly by the glass full so refined so sophisticated so good it makes everything more fun (take note I've been known to pop a bottle while doing laundry)
or anything eaten calmly with chopsticks; something about this seems so exotic and in control (which = sexy to me)
Anything Ethiopian
So, this is NOT so fit but damn if eating with your hands isn't even sexier than eating with chopsticks
A bowl of berries
Eaten with the hand is so refreshing and enticing..begs for you to feed someone and be fed and we all know where that can lead... (yipes mom forget what you just read)
Anything extra spicy
A punch of cayenne can get me rolling. When it's that perfect hot where your arm hairs stand up, your eyes water, your body tingles and you can STILL actually taste the food well...sign me up, twice
Shabu Shabu
Goes along with the chopstick rule
What's on your list?
Get With It!!!!!
Alright I'm kickin my own ass now. Time to hop back on the wagon and get it in gear. I was on cruise control for a while but somehow I slowed down. Cheat meals went from 3/week to umm.. EVERYDAY This week?!?!?! Ok not that bad...but damn near close. So it's time to step back in's how.
Starting tomorrow...ha ha ha JK STARTING NOW... people seriously, when you want something, anything, (like say, to loose 5 lbs, learn to drive or start your own gym) START NOW in this moment not tomorrow or the day after or it will NEVER happen...
SO, STEP 1, starting NOW if I bite it I write it. Uh-huh I'm writing everything that touches these lips down on paper. I cannot tell you the accountability and control this brings.
STEP 2, taking BABY STEPS. I tend to be an all or nuthin' kinda girl but really that's not the way to go when it comes to altering or maintaining a lifestyle and it's not how I've come this far. So, while I am TEMPTED to say I'ma a start 2-a-day workouts and only eat chicken breast and broccoli. I won't (I'm drinking a glass of wine as I write*). INSTEAD I will commit to going to CrossFit workouts 3 times this week and WRITING DOWN WHAT I EAT (see step 1)
So, that's it, that's how I'll be moving forward. Are you happy with where you're at? If not what are YOU gonna do about you?
Whatever it is DO IT NOW
* Cut me a break, it's Saturday night and I'm keepin' it real. That glass of wine has been written down and accounted for.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My Free Vacation
Yipes WHAT HUH you say again?!?!?
Well, to "push" myself I signed up for a bunch of finance courses this semester and let me tell you, my brain just cain't thank thata way. Well let me not say can't. It PREFERS not to. But really if I don't leave Business School with the ability to do businessy kinda things I'm only cheating myself. So, now that I back on the path of retraining my brain to think cash flows and valuations, ratios and EBITDA (don't you worry about what any of this means, just know that I know and that's the whole point). I'm ready to write.
Broke: Soooo. I bet your wondering how I paid for a trip to New Orleans on my budget. Well, the answer is I DIDN'T!!!! I used the old fashioned bartering system, evoked f my rights as a friend and kept an eye out for free food. As you may know I worked for American Airlines over the summer as an intern. (Big ups to their internship program, loved it). How did I find this internship you may ask, at the National Black MBA Conference (NBMBA) last year. SO, when the time came around for this year's NBMBA I gladly volunteered my services to come and help them recruit. They accepted and gave me a plane ticket. So a few hours of work = my plane ticket.
Transportation Cost- CHECK
Originally I had planned to reduce my hotel costs by finding someone to split a room with. Well guess what: Even better I found one of my friend's was going and her school was paying for her room. So um guess where I crashed.
The conference lasted 2 days. Every major brand you can think of was there including General Mills, Hershey's Wrigley's, Agra... I think you know where I am going with this... FREE SAMPLES. So I chose not to eat most of them (was saving room for oysters) but you could easily fill-up on these at no cost.
The way I got some free grub and booze was company "receptions". So, major companies held "receptions" for MBA students they are interested in. At these receptions you can do some good "networking" (in quotes cuz I'm still not sure I know what that means) and enjoy the appetizers and open bars :)
AA was also kind enough to take me dinner one night and my school sponsored dinner another.
So- majority of food costs- CHECK
That's a quick re-cap on how I did NOLA for cheap. What exactly I did there well... what happens in New Orleans stays in New Orleans.
I'll be posting more soon...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Coming up
Broke: NOLA travel for cheap special
Fit: Working out on the road
Happy: Knowing when to splurge (the best damn charbroiled oysters and apple cobbler EVER, that's right EVER EVER EVER)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Fit: Cut A B*TCH
The majority of crossfit workouts have people names. Mainly girl names. Since starting my women's crossfit program. We've worked a whole lot on mechanics and Olympic lifts and completed two mini girl workouts which look something like this
workout 1 (mini nancy)
200m run
10 box jumps (20 inch box)
10 wall throws (with a medicine ball
Did the above 3 rounds, for time.
So, It took less than 10 minutes but I was huffing and puffing at the end, lungs about to explode. I loved it! Now, am more determined than ever to get faster and stronger (shorter time, higher box, heavier ball). So I'm just sayin watch out Nancy cuz I got you on my list.
How am I gonna get there, slow and steady, working cross fit 3 days a week, yoga 1 and a jog or two on the weekends. It's amazing how much more energized and focus I feel when I workout. So on the days when I don't quite feel like rolling out of bed I try to keep that in mind.
AND, when that doesn't work I imagine 80's training scenes, a little Lion Heart or Blood Sport anyone? OR get the Eye of the Tiger going in your head and it's too hard to resist the need to get up and go.
Fit: Zone Be Gone
Bonus: When on the zone I'm much more of a lightweight so I guess DBF also got something out of it too, a cheap date.
Well, no fears I'm on to the next. We moving to the paleo diet. It's how many folks on crossfit who don't do the zone eat. The idea is pretty simple in theory, lean protein, veggies, nuts and seeds and some fruit. Whoa whoa whoa you say, no grains no alcohol?!?!? Now I know that girl is not about to give up her're right. You mean I can't count wine as a fruit?!?!?!? JK, I'm bringing along two things from the zone experiment, the 80/20 rule and a rough estimate of the proportions. So, no more measuring but by now I have a good idea of how much of what should be on my plate.
Wish me luck
Monday, September 7, 2009
Leaving Broke Behind
Oh, a note on cheese, don't get the store brand... it's gross. Helluva and Cracker Barrel are reasonable, but nothing beats a fresh cheese, a real cheese, a triple cream Pierre Robert but I digress. The point is, somethings are worth spending a little extra for and when you can get THOSE at a good price...celebrate ;) (one caveat...government cheese can make some good baked mac n cheese)
All in all we saved $42 on our $100 bill and then...we split the rest :) So that's $30 for groceries this week (yes, I'm sure someone is saying it could be cheaper....give me time people give me time).
I do still need to hit up the other store for Turkey Bacon (if you are into this and in Boston, StopnShop has it on sale for $2), I KNOW I can freeze this so will buy a few packs and be good for a few weeks. All in all am looking at $50 at the most for groceries this week ($5 for the bacon, DBF should chip in, and then extra for any special ingredients)
Alcohol has it's own budget and to stretch that I picked up a few bottles of Trader Joe brand wine. The Zin is amazing if you let it air ( PS if you have guests just put it in a carafe and they'll never know it's 3 Buck Chuck). I also got some TJ Sav Blanc, mix it with creme de cassis, and suddenly your hooch has turned into a KIR, so french, so sophisticated, so GOOD!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Getting Started
Fit: I started the zone diet with T. That's my DBF, we co-habitate so it's much EASIER to follow when he's down. So far so good. I modified the system so it's a bit less obtrusive to our lifestyle. Using the genius skills I've learned as an MBA I applied a version of the Pareto Principal (aka the 80:20 rule).
For anyone interested let's play follow the math (otherwise feel free to skip down): Not including snacks, we eat 21 meals a week, that 3 meals a day * 7 days a week
So out of those 21 I figure if we eat 80% of them as planned we'll see results. That leaves 20% or 3-4 meals for "cheats". Now pay attention I did NOT stay BINGES I said cheats. Like little white lies they are not actually horrible, they're just not quite right. So 3-4 times a week we can eat out with friends, at a work/school function, or get trashed (um binging does not apply to alcohol) without any guilt and still see results.
Now, it's true there would be no reason to CHEAT if this way of eating wasn't somewhat of a constraint so the question is now: WHY EVEN DO IT IF YOU'RE SO HAPPY WITH YOUR WEIGHT, HUH?
WELL smarty-pants weight doesn't just come off and stay off... so sad that it will go on and stay on, but I digress. ANYHOO, loosing the weight is winning the battle, keeping it off is winning the war. Old habits die hard so rather than try to stop them point blank, I continually try new things to keep me motivated. When the "new thing" gets old, I take from it what I found helpful and move onto the next. The ZONE and Crossfit are my new next.
CROSSFIT, I start the Cross Fit Boston Women's Program next week ( right along with classes, all or nothing, it's so they way I am ). Cross Fit is insanely intense and ridiculously fun, I got my Cross Fit level 1 certification this summer and simply CANNOT wait to get started full time.
If you have not seen or heard of Cross Fit, click on this link and watch folks have their asses handed to them, then ask for more. It will make you a beast, a SEXY STRONG FIT ASS-KICKING BEAST and I mean that it the most desirable way.
On to the next subject
BROKE: Yeah, nothing's changed here. Rent is due, that's 625 big ones, which is HALF of what's in my checking account (read: I could pay for one more month of rent, not eat or pay for utilities and then I'll be completely assed-out...come on loans c'mon)
I will say $625 is cheap for Beantown, that's one of the benefits of co-habitation, we share the bills and don't need as much space a roommates. Counting all of the basics (and yes, internet is necessary for students) I'm running at about $1400 (note there is NO as in zero fun worked into that number, why is life so expensive?!?!?!?).
Since a girl needs her fun and personal care too (nope, manicures, blow-outs and deodorant not included in the basics) I'm hoping to keep everything at about $2000/month and that includes, the fun, personal care, doggie care and $100 a month socked away in a Saab Story account. That's the account for when my little Saab gives me trouble. If I stay right, the loans will take care of that until December (new loans activate in Jan). Then, what I make from working and the stock market (oh yeah, watch out for some real money making day trading tips coming your way, PLEASE note sarcasm) I can put towards savings for the summer, future travel, future home, and Christmas presents. I know, how far can I really stretch a $, guess we'll find out.
I'm sure things will "come up" with school so not completely sure how I'll deal with them yet, but I'm working on it and I'll keep you updated.
Happy: Finding pleasure in the smaller things. It's AMAZING OUT, so I rode my bike along the Charles river and then stopped to get my nails done. (BUDGET someone screams) I like to be pampered so I've resolved to manage my toes myself (AKA, let DBF paint my toes and massage my feet for me, LUV YA HONEY) and let the pro's handle my hands (which really are more difficult to keep tidy than the toes).
Your hands are a reflection of who you are and in some ways what you care about. For example, I just got glitter topped gel nails (Tokyo style, a beauty trend I picked up in Japan). Mine are pink (this is best picture I could find online, I'll use my own photos soon) they are girly, fun and kinda international, they are not cheap but they last a lot longer than a regular manicure. I like fun girly things, I lo

Anyhoo, am loving today's weather and taking advantage with a lovely ride, lovely nails and now I'm going to take Spraga on a lovely walk .
Monday, August 31, 2009
Getting Acquainted
Broke: all of my savings are G-O-N-E. But it's true a year of partying (even frugal partying) and dinner will do that to your savings account. T, that's my DBF, still believes I have some secret Swiss account...but um no, they're gone too. OK almost I've got about $2000 invested in stocks and $1500 in checking/savings. Before you judge, remember the most I am expected to earn in income is about $400 a month. So how will I live... LOANS!!! over the course of a school year I'll get about $18,000 in loans. I will need to not only make due on this but hopefully save some for after school ends and before I launch my "career" (notice the quotes).
FIT and THIN: HELL YES, it ain't all bad, part of that savings went to a personal trainer. Yes, I AM a trainer myself and a damn good one, ask my clients. But HEY, don't doctors see other doctors?
We can talk about this later.
So, I'm stronger than I've ever been, 30+ man push-ups strong, I'm still working on the unassisted pull-ups but come December I'll add those to my resume. And don't get it confused, I'm not a size 0 or 2. I'm an 8 and at 5'll that size reflects my strength and let's me keep my ass (T, is grateful of this I'm sure). No fellas, it's no Serena Booty but it's more than a palm full ;)
Not to mention I'm about 40 lb s lighter (thank you, WEIGHT WATCHERS, ATKINS and all the diets that preceded you) than I was 4 years ago. So if I had to describe how I look now: DAMN GOOD, GILF, FINA' THAN A MOTHA... You get the point.
Part of my savings went to new additions to my wardrobe. Which gotta get the clothes that accentuate your figure and respect your bank accounts (I'm sure we'll talk A LOT about this over the next year).
So I'm feeling HOT and WANTING to stay this way. On a time and $ budget that ain't gonna be easy, but it is possible.
HAPPY: Ok so this is the most important. RIGHT NOW, I do not have everything I want um the vacation home in New Orleans is missing, not to mention pied-a-terres in Paris, Vail, Napa, Salvador de Bahia and Miami. BUT I DO feel good about where I'm at and where I can go. I say this with virtually $0 in the bank, no true pay coming in for a year, and an uncertain future. But I'm confident, I can love my life no matter the situation and get my champagne (even if it might really be Prosecco, which let me tell you, and YES, I did live in Reims, France, champagne country, there are some comparable Prosecco's) HOW? Because I know I have control over my reality.
A very wise woman, Patricia Moreno, said to me, EVERYDAY IN A VERY TRUE WAY WE CO-CREATE OUR REALITY and you know what I believe it and more importantly, I'm acting on it.
So, as school starts and I enter the PRE REST OF MY LIFE, stage (which by the way anyone can enter when they choose, each minute is the next of the rest of your life). I'm going to share it with the desire that it helps others realize their, champagne dreams.